Going through a divorce can be an extremely upsetting and stressful process, no matter who you are. Of course, there are factors that can make this even more worrisome – such as being a stay-at-home or lower-earning spouse, or perhaps having a partner who is hiding assets; but there is always the potential for the divorce to be emotionally fraught. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you have legal assistance from the best divorce attorney in Omaha, NE. The right Omaha divorce lawyer can provide you with peace of mind by offering legal advice that will help you to protect your assets and come to a legally binding arrangement.
Tips for Choosing the Best Divorce Attorney in Omaha
This becomes even more important during such an emotionally charged process. A lawyer is an impartial and knowledgeable third party that can advise you on the best way to proceed while looking out for your best interests.
Finding The Right Omaha Divorce Lawyer For the Job
The first and most important tip for finding the best divorce attorney in Omaha is to use a divorce lawyer or alternatively a family lawyer or similar. This may sound obvious, but in fact, there are many different types of lawyers and law firms, and many of these can offer a wide range of services.
Ultimately though, a professional who has chosen to specialize in just one or a few areas of the law will be far more likely to have the specialist knowledge and experience that will benefit you most. Another thing to consider is that the right lawyer will depend very much on the nature of your situation and what communication style works best for you. This will, in turn, depend on the full nature of the situation for which you are seeking legal representation.
Is there a house involved? Is the divorce amicable? Are there children?
There is a big difference between two people who have fallen out of love and are just looking for a document to prove they are no longer married; versus two people who are at war over children and property division. You should, therefore, look for a divorce lawyer that can also demonstrate experience with the specific type of divorce you are going through , whether that includes contested cases or mediation collaborative methods to resolve disputes.
Divorces can be broadly split into the following categories:
- Uncontested divorce
- Contested divorce
- Collaborative divorce
- Default divorce
Asset Protection
Worrying whether you will have a strong financial future following the divorce can be one of the most stressful parts of the process. One of the most emotionally charged types of divorces is a contested divorce where both partners are fighting over possessions. If you suspect this might be your experience, then it can be a good idea to prepare your assets prior to the divorce proceedings. We highly recommend that you seek out a lawyer to help with your asset protection before you begin the divorce process!
In order to protect your assets, you will need to get legal help in most cases. This can be a highly complex issue and just what the divorcees are entitled to and responsible for will ultimately come down to matters of the law. There are too many instances where a party went without a share of a valuable asset or took on full responsibility for a debt that the law likely would have divided if a party would have known to ask. Further, retirement and investment accounts are especially fraught with confusion and misunderstanding, especially as it relates to tax issues. It’s best to get the help of someone who knows what they’re talking about.
Recommendations & Strategies
There are many lawful strategies to protect assets and your financial future. Once your lawyer knows what your assets are, they will likely be able to recommend various different strategies for you to protect your assets and set you up for success.
Strategies could include establishing a trust to protect children from a prior relationship, encumbering an asset to make it less desirable to the other party, and could be as simple as paying down the debt in your sole name first. Also, sometimes small changes make a big difference in your individual credit score, which can set you up for lower interest rates if you pursue purchasing a new home or a new vehicle after the divorce is finalized. A little bit of planning can reap large rewards over the long term.
Uncovering Unlawful Strategies
An experienced divorce attorney also knows what unlawful strategies are. A spouse that tries to shield assets in an unlawful manner is usually found out, especially now that almost all financial transactions leave some type of electronic money trail.
If a spouse is viewed as dissipating the marital property and assets with gifts to friends or hiding funds offshore, the Court may award the non-offending spouse as if those funds were still in the marital estate. This often results in the non-offending spouse being awarded a much greater share of the actual assets and possibly the right to significant cash payments from the nefarious spouse; leaving the nefarious spouse with little in liquid assets for years to come and wishing they had found better counsel.
Further, many decisions are decided on the credibility of witnesses. A spouse that tries to shield assets in an unlawful manner may lose all creditability, which could lead the Court to believe the other spouse on not just financial issues, but also on contested child custody issues.
The Most Important Tip: Speak With An Experienced Omaha Divorce Lawyer
As you can see, a good family law attorney will need a lot of specialist knowledge to help you with issues such as:
- asset protection
- child custody
- real estate
- and more
For all these reasons, you should make sure to speak with your lawyer first. They may be able to consult with you promptly, which will immediately give you a good idea of the kind of strategies they might employ and whether their style gels with your own.
Law Office of Julie Fowler, PC, LLO | Divorce Attorney Omaha
Child Custody | Child Support | Divorce Lawyers Omaha
If you are looking for an experienced attorney in a child support case in Omaha, Nebraska, or the surrounding areas (including Papillion, Bellevue, Gretna, Elkhorn, Lincoln, Nebraska City, Sarpy, Lancaster), contact our office to set up a consultation.